I know time you cant get back. so if anyone can help me with this error i'd gladly shoot you 5 bucks on paypal. the problem " not everyone on my site, but a few people when they post a reply or try to start a thread they get this message. could not find phrase "g" Not sure what to do. Thanks in advance. If you have aim you can IM me yepitsdavid is my screen name. Link to my site
www.highclassmods.com Thanks again
their goes the image.
not sure what logging into the site will do, because all u will see is the same error but i am far from an export. my vb knowledge is beginner at best. so here is the
user name
vbhelp pass is
vbhelper thanks in advance again n also it only gives error in certain forms. which leads me to believe its some type of template related error. but we havent changed anything for a while.
also it seems only to be happening to some members as others can post and start a thread with no issue
anyone else ever run into this error??