Originally Posted by y2ksw
Do you have vbSEO and its HTML cleaning enabled? Are you editing the right style? Does the start and end date/time fit your server time? Have you enabled other restrictions? Does the image exist?
Please continue with ad_navbar_below and maybe with the default style first, just to be sure everything works as it should.
Then, please put the image URL into the Image field and the landing page into the URL field. Keep the Text field empty unless you want to show a banner which isn't a plain picture.
Does it now work?
Sorry all the questions but I prefer to make them now all together 
What are you referring to when "Do you have vbSEO and its HTML cleaning enabled?".
I am editing the correct style
The start and end dates are withing the time frame
I have not enabled any other restrictions
Yes the picture does exist.
This is on my test site. I put it there to get it working before I go to my live site.
If you would like access to the site to check it out, I can give it to you just let me know.