Originally Posted by MonkYZ
It's definatelly not that, as i already have ^([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)?$ setup in the Profile Field. Plus, it worked perfect untill yesterday, when i received like over 1000 Database Errors... so it must be something global, not just one user or two...
Using quotation mark caused the above DB error. But if you have different db errors you should check their error messages or at least copy them here in order to people help you.
This mod runs schedule task every minute in default install so if you have only one user problem then you get 60 db errors in 1 hour!!
P.S: You already have this: ^([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)?$ and the user can insert "I don't have an Xbox Console." in the field? Are you sure you're using this regex in this field? Something wrong here.