Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
An else statement is if you want to display alternative information, an example would be:
<vb:if condition="$field['fieldid'] == 5 AND (is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6) OR $bbuserinfo['userid'] == $entry['userid'])">
<div>{vb:raw entry.field5}</div>
<vb:else />
<div>You are not allowed to see this field.</div>
You do not need an "else" to tell it not show anything, that is implied in the original IF to behgin with.
Oh, then I suppose I have another issue then. The custom field is still displayed to everyone. If logged in as the member who posted it or as the admin, it is displays correctly. For everyone else, the information is just there.

I was hoping I could use an else statement with an "!=" in it somehow and make it not display.
I really appreciate your help. Wish I could get a response as fast in the vba site.
I wonder if instead of editing a template, I should be editing a php file and putting the condition around a specific field ID. So, if that field ID is called, it will only be displayed to the conditions of the field. Not sure here.... just guessing. Thoughts?