I've recently installed some hacks ("Change Username via UserCP", "Custom Avatars as Files", "Country Flag Hack v2.0")
and experience a disturbing problem:
The following error in a mysql-statement occurs, when users enter their usercp or the PM's:
...privatemessage.fromuserid<> AND privatemessage.fromuserid<>669 ORDER BY...
(a number is missing after "fromuserid<>")
The reason for this:
For some users, the ignore-list-row of the user-table the entry looks like:
" 32 669 299"
instead of
"32 669 299"
There's a space at the beginning of the line !! And that causes the mysql-statement to fail...
So, which script adds this space at the beginning of the ignore-list-row and what could be the problem ?