OK guys so I ws able to add some start stop left and right options for the marquee. I am using this in
headinclude template:
<script language="JavaScript">
function function1(){
document.all.myMarquee.direction = "left";
function function2(){
document.all.myMarquee.direction = "right";
function function3(){
function function4(){
For the marquee and buttons I am using this:
<marquee id="myMarquee" BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE> {vb:raw film_seriti}a></marquee>
<img src="http://aniworlds.net/members/equinox/albums/random-renders/1874-left.png" onclick="function1();">
<img src="http://aniworlds.net/members/equinox/albums/random-renders/1877-stop.png" onclick="function3();">
<img src="http://aniworlds.net/members/equinox/albums/random-renders/1876-start.png" onclick="function4();">
<img src="http://aniworlds.net/members/equinox/albums/random-renders/1875-right.png" onclick="function2();">
This makes the marquee stop after the page load which is what the window.onload=function(){myMarquee.stop();} command is for. It waits until it loads all the html loads then executes that JavaScript command. I use this because I want the marquee to load in pause position. The only problem is that since the marquee is html it starts to load the marquee as the page loads and then after it's done loading then the JavaScript stops the marquee (but after it had already started). I want the marquee to load on pause completely before the html loads. Is there any way to do that??
You can see this in action