First I would suggest re-installing with "allow-overwrite" set to YES this way we can be sure you are starting with the original code.
Next to edit the plugin to use /forum/ instead of /forums/ change this line in the plugin:
$bfind = '|<img src="[/forums/]*images/smilies/[\w -.]+" border="0" alt="" title="([\w !@$#%&*()+-=?<>\';:]+)" class="inlineimg" />|';
$bfind = '|<img src="[/forum/]*images/smilies/[\w -.]+" border="0" alt="" title="([\w !@$#%&*()+-=?<>\';:]+)" class="inlineimg" />|';
For the field number you enter ONLY the number.
9 in your case. It should not have even allowed you to enter "field9" without an error message.
Definitely keep your userid in the manual block setting until we get it working- 1 less thing to troubleshoot.
Are your smiliey file names and php in english? I haven't tested on non-english installations and I think the regex that does the work in this mod would need to be altered for non-english ("A to Z") characters.
Finally if still not working please copy and paste here several filenames of your smilies that you're tested and post or PM me a link to a post on your forum with a smiley in it.