Originally Posted by Rahstyles2008
Yea i understand you.. but what if polite doesnt work? If your too polite to sombody then people will think your a pushover.. Man.. I guess.. its just areas where i grew up... people dont take shyt from nobody around here.. and if u show your weakness.. then thats when your gonna get taken advantage.. off.. people around here know that ..you get respect then u give respect... Seriously.. I wish i grew up in your beverly hills neighbor hood..were everybody is nice.. and is a pushover..around here in socal highschools.. we got a New York State of Mind.. we dont take ish from nobody... not even the principle.. Well smack that niccorette if we have too..
Polite does not mean wishy washy. I can be polite and very firm at the same time.
In fact I use politeness as a weapon when needed