Originally Posted by Rahstyles2008
If you not compuNerd enough to... un..de..errs..tand my.. punc..hl..i..nes..... then thats cool.. I appreciate it.. but .... get off my jock... NO ****... :down:
--------------- Added 21 Jun 2011 at 12:37 am ---------------
Yea i understand you.. but what if polite doesnt work? If your too polite to sombody then people will think your a pushover.. Man.. I guess.. its just areas where i grew up... people dont take shyt from nobody around here.. and if u show your weakness.. then thats when your gonna get taken advantage.. off.. people around here know that ..you get respect then u give respect... Seriously.. I wish i grew up in your beverly hills neighbor hood..were everybody is nice.. and is a pushover..around here in socal highschools.. we got a New York State of Mind.. we dont take ish from nobody... not even the principle.. Well smack that niccorette if we have too..
I grew up in Canarsie, Brooklyn. You have to have learned at some point the rules on the 'street' do not apply to the rest of the real world. It is much more treat others as you want to be treated than dog-eat-dog, especially on a site like this.