Originally Posted by KW802
Joe, the revised vB versioning system was debated for quite a bit, all for naught (may have been during your big sleep if you missed it). The current mentality that (paraphrasing) 'version numbers are meaningless' is one that a lot of people disagreed with it, with a lot of feedback from coders, but it did no good. Personally I suspect that even if some of the current IB team agrees that the versioning scheme should go back to the way it was that IB will just continue as-is for the forseeable future.
I was awake for the "why is this called 4.1.0?" questions and I know the official position is that the numbers are meaningless now... still doesn't mean I won't point out this was a bad decision that could have been fixed with calling this 4.2.0. Plus it would make the stoners happy.