Originally Posted by Angel-Wings
Just a note:
Luxembourg isn't really offshore hosting even if ultratechhost tells you.
And maybe check your Vhost configuration, especially setting a default one serving content if there's no DNS client info available (e.g. entering your IP directly).
And - finally - your old PHP 5.2.17 is marked as unsupported. Dunno which Linux Distro you're using but maybe updates are available or Cpanel offers them.
It depends on your definition of what's the actual 'offshore' hosting. Now, many people think that offshore hosting is hosting that's located outside of the United States, and that you can pretty much host anything you like, e.g. sites that are violating copyrights (warez forums, blogs, private torrent trackers, etc) , hacking forums/blogs, phishing sites, and what not.
All of that works on every hosting until the site becomes big, when it becomes big you can either make it private, and host it in any country (which works without unneeded publicity)
Basically, offshore hosting is just a good marketing trick, which is being used by hosters (mostly by the younger ones who are looking for quick $$$) from countries like: Sweden, Russia, Iran, Israel, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, etc...
And yes I agree with the rest of your post, he should configure the server a little bit more, after all he wants to run a hacking site.