Interesting thread. Here are some of my thoughts.
I've recently put up a few mods that I thought might of generic use.
Our site has some paid for mods (VaultWiki, Photopost Gallery, vBA CMPS, and some skins);
plus a few mods (that are all marked installed, for which we are grateful);
plus some home grown mods, some of which are very specific and won't be released,
and some I have released.
I'm not that interested in $$ for what we have released.
I would want $$ for the photographic competition system IF the end user used it on a paid forum.
This however it is a niche market product. (~12,000 lines of code)
BTW our site is free, and we give out ~$5,000 in prizes each year via sponsors and revenue
from our shop and advertising - not bad for free membership :up:
Also: $50 an hour for a experienced developer is good value
My day job is an IT Project Manager/Systems Architect for a large rail infrastructure company.
The real issue is people expecting pro level support for voluntary work
all I can say to the complainers is grow up!!
Treat the free/voluntary developers and their mods with the respect they deserve!
Actually do the same for the paid mods!
Why? Because you will get better support by being nice than banging you hands on the table.
Work with the support people if you have an issue - provide concise relevant information
when you have a problem or feature request.
Politeness goes a looooooong way!
Same goes with dealing with IB/
If it's a paid mod, then sure I expect it to be supported and I find that to be the case and I can
express my needs and I get listened to - by being polite and helpful.
So in summary, be polite, work with developers, and be grateful. It makes everyone's life better.