Originally Posted by Felixbone
code is code and there's no quality of code, lol, it seems like you don't know anything about what's going on here.
an example for you:
a template made with dreamweaver, drag and drop. used a lot of tables.
a template made by hand-coded, css and xhtml valid. tabless.
both template looks the same, and what's the different then, answer yourself!
a mod for display statistic of your forum that require a lot of querry, slow down your server.
a mod for display statistic of your forum that require less querry, fast, ajax powered.
what's the different?
Apple can keep the price lower for Iphone and Ipad so it can bring them much more customers but the truth that their prices always at top of the market. Please explain me why they should do it?
The answer that it's not only about the quality of works but also the brand of the product.
Note that we have proof that all materials requires to made a complete apple product is xx times cheaper than the price of the product itself.
Dude seriously??? i aint even gonna read your post after your first sentence.. come get at me.. when u said somthing sombody hasnt already said in this thread..
--------------- Added [DATE]1308608906[/DATE] at [TIME]1308608906[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by kh99
People do make $50 or even $100 per hour for coding, but probably not for vb mods (or at least not many).
Maybe you misheard them.
Na i heard them correctly.... You werent even there so.. you wouldn't know ..