Originally Posted by borbole
Oh yeah, he should feel that alright 
Lol what the heck is this Revenge of the nerds??
Borbolo giving boolo a high five??
All im saying is $50 an hour is too much... thats stage coach robbery...
Serious $50 an hour?? Your not doctors... whats u gonna php me back to health??
Oh yea and am i feelin that??
Man... even if u were a cute girl with her legs open nobody be feeling u!
Serioudly 50$ an hour?? Man nobody around here pays that much for a simple vbulletin mod coding... Not in cali where i live or in newyork... u must be in oklahoms or kansas or somthing
Some state where theres nothing to do. U understand how much california tax is?? Just because ur state doesnr charge that much dont think we got that extra cash to be paying u... i make like 11.88 an hour plus tips equals up to 23$ an hpur... so i shure as hell not gonna pay sombody more than what i make an hour for a just for fun coding mods... i mean if u were getting payed 50$ an houtw i dont see ur name on the forbes.. u aint no bill gates...
So why dont yall charge lower rates so u get more clientell.
I mean some of yall when i talk to u.. u be like.. i can provide support and let negotiate a fee and please email me ur requests.... pleasssee... this aint that important... negoyiate what??? 4$ a mod.. man u make m think im negotiateing some war documents with the president or somthing... u aint thay important fallback!!
I appologize for my misspelling as im typing this over my cellphone..
Anyway.. stop charging people rediculous prices..
And why dont yall code me a comback for that. PERIOD