I think it actually only broke one on my site, and it's one that's not even up here on vB.org (for vB4, anyways). That was the Live Topic, 'n I figured out how to fix it, so it's all good. The issue was that all line breaks were removed from a post while quick editing.
For a while, I wasn't able to use Custom BBCode buttons, which was a real blow. THey've got a fix posted on the bug tracker now, so that's cool.
I was getting reports of users not being able to to save/submit, cancel, or go advanced on the Quick Reply/Edit, but either that healed itself or I accidentally fixed it.
It does still look ugly, and is a pain in the arse to style, but so far as I know, there's only one thing left that I need fixed with it, and that's this issue users are having where is "breaks" their words while trying to wrap while typing. Can't figure that one out for the life of me, though.