This is going to make me sound evil and all, so I warn you that you coders/designers that don't get enuff luff will probably dislike me a lot after this... heh.
First of all, I -do- agree with what has been said, for the most part, about support here. It's not required to be given, and we should be grateful when it is given, both by coders and by regular Joes (so long as the regular Joes know wtf they're jabbering about, unlike me in a lot of cases). Because of the support given (not just to me, but to others that I've read), I've been able to learn more and more and more about vB and start doing stuff for myself, instead of having to rely on support 100% of the time.
With that said, I think that Coders and Designers should not expect donations or thanks or even "Mark as Installed." Yes, people should do those things! Don't get me wrong on that! But I think that, Coders who like to code stuff for other vB users and put it up for the community should do so because they like to do it, not because they're expecting something in return.
Please don't get me wrong! I'm not saying, in any way, that I don't appreciate the time and effort you Coders have put into the modifications I've installed. I really love that there's coders around here that would put that kind of time and effort into making something for the rest of us, with no guarantee of monetary support or even thanks. But that's just the thing--I don't think that coders should expect that monetary support or thanks. Heh.
Then, of course, there's people like the OP here, who seemingly don't appreciate the time and effort put into these kinds of things, or believe they're part of what he has paid for. More often than not, I would expect that they just don't realize that you guys do this stuff for free. It is their fault for being ignorant, yeah, but some of them learn, and I'd say that most of those who don't usually don't appear again, over and over, in the vB community, with their ignorance. I.E., they're NOT part of the "regular" community that really DOES appreciate your work.
I've downloaded and installed modifications from at least one of you (Boofo) that have posted here, maybe more (sorry guys, if I don't recognize your names), and I really am grateful. (Even so, it was only a few weeks ago that I actually went through all of my modifications to make sure everything was "Marked as Installed," and found at least four or five that were not. It's more my laziness at work there than disrespect to you guys.) I don't always show my appreciation, but it's ALWAYS a lot better than trying to code something myself that I have no experience in.
So, thanks guys. I don't always say it, I won't always say it, and I don't think I should always have to say it, but I am grateful. :P Those of us that are ignorant buttholes generally don't stick around, and I can't say much more than "bare with them." :< The majority of us do appreciate stuff.