Originally Posted by Rahstyles2008
Oh wow.. i rather pay 5$ to 10$ or maybe $50 for the .. mod instead of paying 50$ an hour for sombody to waiste there time eating hotpockets and fingure clicking and stalling a mod that takes them some 2 hours when it can be done in 5min..
Cause check this out.. you give out a free mod.. then it has bugs.. then u gotta pay people 50$ to fix them.. inall.. its not really free
ya feel?
That's simple. Only hire coders that guarantee no bugs or full support. Or, read through the actual thread for the 'free' mods and decide whether you'd like to take the 'risk' of having to fix small (or large) bugs/issues.
Ultimately, it is your decision to either download and install or not. There should not be ONE complaint about anything other than a mod that says "supported" and the person/company is not providing support. Other than that, all we should read are questions and comments about how the mods/add-ons can be better or different based on the individual needs.