Originally Posted by borbole
I don''t understand what is up with all this complaining. You get the mods for free here. It is not like you paid for them. Unbelievable how selfish some users are who want everything for free and expect that others drop whatever things they are busy with to cater your needs pronto.
Oh wow.. i rather pay 5$ to 10$ or maybe $50 for the .. mod instead of paying 50$ an hour for sombody to waiste there time eating hotpockets and fingure clicking and stalling a mod that takes them some 2 hours when it can be done in 5min..
Cause check this out.. you give out a free mod.. then it has bugs.. then u gotta pay people 50$ to fix them.. inall.. its not really free
ya feel?
--------------- Added [DATE]1308487869[/DATE] at [TIME]1308487869[/TIME] ---------------
Oh yea. btw.. i rate mods.. click install and appreciate the mods i like.. even vote for them for mod of the month... And im not complaing about 95% of the mod makers.. im talkin aobut the other 5% that make mods and leave bugs and never update there ish.. and then when they see people in the paid requests.. they pick them up to fix the mods for money.. so .. it aint FREE
ya feel?
--------------- Added [DATE]1308488093[/DATE] at [TIME]1308488093[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by Boofo
Yet the mod author takes the time to code it. Sounds like a lame excuse to me.
Hey boofo.. if i thank you for your mods.. btw LMFAO.. your name kinda rymes with mo... nevermind..
anyways.. so if i thanked u for ur mods.. u gonna be happy???
Ill pay for ur mods.. if they were not free.. but i shure as heck am not gonna pay no 50$ an hour to install that ish