Originally Posted by djbaxter
While I have no doubt that the CKE Editor can be improved upon (and probably will be, if not by vBulletin then by an add-on), in the meantime the built-in table feature works pretty well.
Depends on what functions you need, the supplied one only has limited functions and nothing what this mod offer. The CKeditor in vBulletin is still only an crippled version of the original.
See the
Please show me how to implement the following table that was made with this mod on the "brand new vB 4.1.4 CKeditor"
PHP Code:
[TABLE]{colsp=5} [CENTER][B]Murder Victim - Offender Relationship by Race 2004[/B]{br}Source: Crime in the United States, 2004, Table 2.7[/CENTER]
|{colsp=4} [CENTER][B]Race of offender[/B][/CENTER]
| [CENTER][B]"White"[/B][/CENTER] | [CENTER][B]Black[/B][/CENTER] | [CENTER][B]Other[/B][/CENTER] | [CENTER][B]Unknown[/B][/CENTER] [noparse][/noparse]
[B]White victims[/B] | [CENTER]3123[/CENTER] | [CENTER]522[/CENTER] | [CENTER]37[/CENTER] | [CENTER]45[/CENTER] [noparse][/noparse]
[B]Black victims[/B] | [CENTER]228[/CENTER] | [CENTER]2784[/CENTER] | [CENTER]7[/CENTER] | [CENTER]48[/CENTER] [noparse][/noparse]
[B]Victims of other race[/B] | [CENTER]42[/CENTER] | [CENTER]23[/CENTER] | [CENTER]110[/CENTER] | [CENTER]2[/CENTER] [noparse][/noparse]
[B]Victims of unknown race[/B] | [CENTER]34[/CENTER] | [CENTER]15[/CENTER] | [CENTER]1[/CENTER] | [CENTER]18[/CENTER] [noparse][/noparse]
{colsp=5} Note: The FBI classifies Hispanics, Arabs and others as "Caucasians". The "White" figure above therefore does not reflect actual White crime rates, and is significantly inflated. When the actual population ratios are taken into account and extrapolated in, the per capita rate ratio of Black-on-White murders to White-on-Black murders becomes about 23. Similarly, the per capita rate ratio of White-perpetrator murders to Black-perpetrator murders becomes (typically) about 9.5. This ratio is a measure of the relatively higher propensity of Blacks toward violence, as compared with Whites.{br}{br}In 2004, there were 7039 US murders having a single perpetrator and a single victim. Of these murders, Blacks committed 3427 (48.7%) and Whites committed 3344 (47.5%). The Black per capita murder rate was 6.0 times higher than the White per capita murder rate.{br}{br}There were at least 859 interracial murders (12.2% of total murders), of which 545 were committed by Blacks (63.4% of interracial murders) and 270 were committed by Whites (31.4%). The Black per capita interracial murder rate was 12.5 times higher than that for Whites. {br}{br}There were 522 murders in which Blacks killed Whites (60.8% of interracial murders) and 228 murders in which Whites killed Blacks (26.5%). The average Black was 14.1 times more likely to kill a White than the reverse (in a one-on-one situation). {br}{br}The (White+Hispanic)/Black population ratio for 2004 was 6.18.{br}{br}[RIGHT][B][SIZE=1]Thanks to Jerry Abbot for the race and crime tables[/SIZE][/B][/RIGHT][/TABLE]