Was there ever a fix for this.
My external RSS feed will only post on my board on creation of the feed in feed manager.
From then on out it will never post again.
Clear last run time.. Manually run.. Nothing
Disable both the scheduled task and the RSS feed. Re-enable. Manually run. Nothing..
Edit Feed and click "preview feed" it will preview.
Save and Manually run. Nothing...
Delete feed in Feed manager and create again.. It will post once.. But never again..
Feed in feed manager is set to run ever 10 minutes. "Last check time" never changes..
Clear last check time.. Manually run. Stays blank.
Scheduled tasks states it ran.
VB 4.0.6
--------------- Added [DATE]1308362069[/DATE] at [TIME]1308362069[/TIME] ---------------
Added another RSS feed from Google. Save it and Both RSS feeds updated their "last checked times in RSS Feed manager and posted.
Scheduled task RSS Poster Robot runs and updates it's "next run time" However it does not kick off the RSS Feeds in Feed manager.
--------------- Added [DATE]1308365675[/DATE] at [TIME]1308365675[/TIME] ---------------
Patience is a virtue.. Who would have guessed that a scheduled task set to run every 10 minutes would take 4 hours to magically start working... lol