Originally Posted by Sarcoth
Okay, I am ready to look into this for you. You know, if you do an image icon, it would be the same for each person right? If that's what you want to do, we can do it. Attach the image here, tell me where it is located on your forum, and give me the link of where one of your users will go. This should be easy enough to do. Basically, each user will only edit the part of the link that changes from each user, usually their ID. The rest will be constant and within the code. Which column would you like this to be in?
Thanks very much
Basically I run a Star Wars the Old Republic Guild and wanted one of the member fields to just have a a field where the member puts in a username and then on the roster it would be a link to their profile page on the swtor.com website, the image could be the same for everyone
Then, in the location field, the user currently selects a country from a drop down list and the country is displayed on the roster, is there any way to just show the countrys flag instead?
And lastly, same as above, but where the member has chose what class they are, could it show a class icon on the roster page for that class?