I'm having an issue on my end and hopefully you can be of some help..
Some details 1st-
I'm currently using vBulletin 4.1.3PL1..
I'm no noob, I've been using vB since 3.8.3- so I'm used to my admincp, templates, plugins and what-nots.
I'm currently using vBExperience 4 Gold (The most current version at this time, I just installed it for this Mod.)
This is a new installation of Points Market, I've never even had the older versions installed. So I'm doing a fresh install of version 3.1.0.
So here's the problem/s I'm having..
In your README/installation file you state-
************************************************** *************************
************************************************** *************************
1. Upload all files from the upload folder to your forums directory.
2. Go to AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products ->
Add/Import Product and import: product-pointmarket.xml
3. The following folders must be Chmodded to 777 for uploading permissions:
4. Edit the Point Market Settings and ensure that Point Field Name is set
to the correct user field name where your points are located.
5. Add Administrator permissions on the Settings & Staff Permission.
6. Edit all usergroup permissions. By default the Point Market system is
turned off for all usergroups. Please make sure all secondary usergroups
have been edited as well.
Steps 1-4, no problems there.
Step 5, I don't have "Settings & Staff Permission" located anywhere in my admincp.
It's not in "Administrator Permissions", it's not in "Usergroup manager", it's not in the regular "vbulletin settings/options", it's not on the "side pane" of the cp itself. Yes I'm a super-admin. User no 1. Also set that way in config.php.
Of course I can't complete step 6 until step 5 is completed. All market pages result in no permissions are set- you are not allowed here error (since step 5 was never finished).
Here's a picture someone else provided- showing the fields I'm missing completely. I'm actually missing both sections from the picture. I'm missing the whole "Point Market" section, and the "Point Market Bank" section. They're nowhere to be found.
I've tried-
Deleting the files from the server, re-downloading them again... re-upload them and then re-import it. No success. Rebuilding my bitfields, no success. Installing with all other mods/products/plugins disabled except vBExperience (to insure no conflicts of other mods), no success.
I need some help or I've found a bug,.. any ideas/help is appreciated from those who reply back. Thanks peoples.