Originally Posted by Sarteck
@cellarius, I understand what you're saying... I just don't get why we even started using the new editor. Was something broken with the old one? (It worked perfectly fine for me, tbh.) Was there some feature that vBulletin didn't know how to implement into their own editor?
Yes. WYSIWYG did not work in Webkit (Chrome/Safari) browsers or Opera, especially the first a growing marketshare. It did not work well for the CMS at all, and it was a mess regarding the different implementations for forum posts, blog, groups, visitor messages, and so on. In my opinion, it was high time. And it makes sense to implement a well coded third party editor instead of making one's own. It was different 10 years or so back when you basically had to cater for two browsers only. The browser market is in constant shifting with many players, and dev time is better spent on other things, leaving the editor to people who concentrate on that. CKE is actually much more expandable than the old one. What we have now is the very first iteration, and I'm sure we'll see it improved and the issues it still has ironed out. Overall, it works pretty well is my impression.
Not that it matters, now, I guess. I doubt they'll be giving us any option (other than downgrading) to go back to the old editor.
No, there indeed is no way back, and maintaining the old editor as option would be a bloody mess (and render all the positive impact to zero). There will be no optional old editor, and that's actually a good thing. I have addons pluging into the editor, and I would cry if I had to do them for two editors that work completely different.
I also voted for that issue on the tracker, because I very much would like to have some kind of control over the editor styling without having to edit files that are just going to be over-written with the next update anyways.
In the meantime, since we really have no other option available, if any of you guys happen to run into tutorials on editing this Editor, I'd appreciate if you could post a link here.
Well, as I wrote in my tracker entry, you can use additional.css with !important on each style definition. What classes to use can be seen in the styles folder in CKEs directory in clientscript.
For support with the editor you really should go to vbulletin.com.