Well, long story cut short: My board I'm using makes heavy use of custom profile fields, as in literally over 20 (other boards like mine which have been around for some time can use 100+). This may seem a bit of an alien concept, but we use the software a little differently to most people (We're an RPG board). Because they're listed all in one big list in the User CP it can be a bit hard on the eyes.
I'd like to stop the board from simply listing them all and I would instead code in the input codes for each profile field myself (for example in the modifyprofile template).
I want to do this so that A) I can split the profile fields up and divide them into categories split by a tcat row (for example) or in a new panel and B) So that I can wrap certain fields in a conditional which only allows members of a certain usergroup see them (seeing as there isn't currently a mod that enables profile fields to certain usergroups).
I hope I've explained myself a little better. Oh and
all profile fields are single line text boxes.
Here is the template in userfield_textbox, perhaps you could help me modify it so I can use it how I'd like?
HTML Code:
<input type="text" class="bginput" name="userfield[$profilefieldname]" id="ctb_$profilefieldname" value="$bbuserinfo[$profilefieldname]" size="$profilefield[size]" maxlength="$profilefield[maxlength]" />
<input type="hidden" name="userfield[{$profilefieldname}_set]" value="1" />