1. I think the only thing I would change on it atm is the navbar. The tcat, or thead or whatever should match the gradient/raised look of the forum categories and everything else. It just looks out of place with how it is now.
2. Also, the time is shown twice in the footer (screenshot attached) .....and the time is displayed in the navbar. A little too repetitive imo lol.
3. The expand/collapse icons in the "What's Going On" box should be changed to match the rest of your forum.
4. You also have typo/grammar/whatever errors in the forums: "
Anything that is unrelated to "hacking" & "programing" can be sold inside these walls!
Should be
Anything that is unrelated to "hacking" & "
programming" can be sold inside these walls!
Tutorials & Support"
tutorials on how to achieve certain goal, and a forum to ask for support!
Should be:
Tutorials on how to achieve certain goal, and a forum to ask for support!
Show off your '1337' Photoshop & GIMP skills off!
That basically repeats itself, so imo, that should be changed to
Show off your '1337' Photoshop & GIMP skills!
Suggestions & Feedback"
Give us some feedback on our site or post suggestions for our site.
I think this one should be cleaned up as well to read as follows:
Give us some feedback or post suggestions for our site.
Other than that, looks good