Originally Posted by bmc
How do I integrate vBShop with vBExperience points? I want to use vBExperience points as the official currency for vBShop. Please inform me exactly how to do this.
I don't know exactly how to do this, but you need to edit the default currency with the vBExperience column. Ask in the vBExperience thread if you need help figuring out what column in the user table it uses
Originally Posted by bmc
How do I edit the number of points for a specific user? I tried editing a user's profile in the AdminCP, but was unable to find this feature. Please advise.
Ensure you're running 2.2, as that is a feature in that version.
Originally Posted by bmc
I set up an item for purchase that enables a user to open and close their own threads. After purchasing the item, the user is still unable to open and close their own threads, despite having purchased the item in vBShop. I also had this problem with other "Usergroup Permissions (Values)" and "Usergroup Permissions (Yes / No)" settings. How can I fix this issue?
If you give me a complete list of problematic permissions I will look into them.
Originally Posted by dizzynation
Vbshop when installed kept my guest from viewing posts, it just sent them to a white page.
Without some form of error message I'm sadly unable to assist