Originally Posted by VBIran
Yes . When you enable the modification , Mod works perfect but it hides the buttons of the new editor ( CKEDITOR ) .
In future the ckeditor isnt load at all !!
Like VSA Online countup modification . VSA OCM Hide buttons too .
Thank You !
we are using vbcredits with the latest version of vbulletin, and ckeditor is not affected; if you disable vbcredits, does the problem go away?
Originally Posted by ismoz
the error messegage/popup is Invalid User Specified
This is confirmed; unfortunately, I am so far unable to figure out why that particular username changes encoding in the middle of the script and causes it to become unfindable.
Originally Posted by x9751
Yes but are the credits automatically given to the user after the transaction is complete
Originally Posted by Meerski
I'm very interested in your mod, would following things would be possible with it?:
1. members earn credits for posting
2. members earn credits for opening a topic
3. they can buy avatars (I designed 45 avatars) with it
would this be possible? if not, what could you recommend me?
How do you install these kind of mods?
Check out vBShop here at vborg, though the first two are handled by vBCredits II here.
Originally Posted by Octavius.
Does your new vbArcade integrate with vbCredits in any way?
It definitely will