Originally Posted by scubasteve3
Great style!
One thing I noticed. In the users profile, a lot of the text is white which makes it non-readable.
vBulletin profile customization issue, not related to this style directly more info here including possible fixes for your site:
Originally Posted by shzad1
Awesome Work Bro.....
Thanks to Sofia
I still miss her!
Originally Posted by jojojijijojo1
It looks so great can I please have a vb 4.0.7 version of this style? I would greatly appreciate that!
Unfortunately I no longer have a 4.0.7 board live and will only be releasing a 4.1.3 or 4.1.4 version here soon more than likely a 4.1.4 version. I do apologize for not initially keeping my word and releasing new version w/ each subsequent version of vBulletin I simply became busy at work and well - nuff' said
