Ok, Im feeling might foolish right now
I installed this awesome hack with no trouble on 2.2.0
I upgraded to 2.2.2 the other day and was just now getting to re-installing hacks - for some very bizzare reason, I cannot make this one work on 2.2.2
I've gone thru it 3 or 4 times now, each time i end up with parse errors. I should have been copying them down, but i was so sure it was just me being an idiot and missing something, i didnt bother.
Im gonna try again sometime tonight, but i was wondering if anyone else had any trouble getting it to work after they upgraded to 2.2.2?
If it fails again later, i will document my errors - I know you cant offer help without specifics... i'm just miffed cuz this is such a great addition, and not only do I miss it, my members are asking for it back...