Originally Posted by ChromeDome
I want to use it in the footer template.
My site uses a floating tool bar. For members that want to hide the tool bar all together, I want to allow them to add themselves to the social group, "Hide Tool Bar". I then want to use the conditional to hide the tool bar code if the user is a member of this social group.
Ahh... OK, well that will never work with social groups.
Luckily however vBulletin has a built in feature, publicly joinable usergroups that should work exactly as you describe.
In your Usergroup manager in Admin CP, make a new usergroup based off of registered users. Set the option to make it a publicly joinable usergroup. Call it "Hidden Toolbar" or whatever.
Members can join it via the User CP -> Group Memberships
And then you can use the standard condition:
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, X)">
Where X is the usergroup you made.
OR... now that I've typed that out... The "right" way of doing this would be using a Custom Profile Field.
In Admin CP make a New Custom Profile Field... Basically a "Yes/No" option to turn on/off the toolbar...
Then you would use a condition like:
<vb:if condition="$bbuserinfo['fieldX'] == 'Yes' ">
Where X is the field # assigned by vBulletin.
I can give you more details on this if you think it will work for your needs.