Originally Posted by Taurus1
The bbcode and Source mode buttons both show in advanced. So should be included in this mod too.
And your statement makes no sense for if I turn this mod off, none of the advanced editors images will show, for that is the point of this mod. 
Do you speak english natively? It's not hard to understand- the bbcodes not showing up in quick reply has nothing to do with this mod, because when you disable it, they still don't show up the default quick reply. So contact vbulletin about it.
I have no idea if the source button shows up or not, I still don't even know what it is so you'll have to test that for yourself to see if it's the fault of this mod or not, but the bbcode buttons have nothing to do with this mod, it's ckeditor's fault and vbulletin's fault for choosing such a horrible editor when they had a perfectly fine one to begin with