First off, Thank you very much barne77 for modifying this mod. I could not bump up to VB4 until I could get this working for all my advertisers.
I do have 2 small issues that I hope you or someone else can help me with.
1) In the ACP global settings menu tab is not displaying the correct text and when you click on it there is no text in the global settings area. See picture below.
2) I would like to remove "Forum Sponsored By" but I can not figure out how. I have done a search for the phrase and I find it but when I try to change the text in the box below nothing happens, it still says "Forum Sponsored By:
Am doing this in the wrong area?
And for the person who did not know where to include the ads, go to
Forums & Moderators -> Forum manager ->
Click on the forum you want to include the sponsorship in and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.