Got to your admin/usergroup.php. It has to look like this:
PHP Code:
// ###################### Start add #######################
if ($action=="add") {
maketableheader("Add new usergroup");
makeinputcode("User Status<br>Use this to override the default 'ladder' of user status titles","usertitle");
makeinputcode("Stars shown<br>Use this to override the default 'ladder' of stars","starlevel");
makeinputcode("Star image shown<br>Give this group a unique star image - do not add the .gif after the image name!","starimg");
makeyesnocode("Viewable on <a href=\"../showgroups.php?s=$session[sessionhash]\" target=\"_blank\">Show Groups</a>?","showgroup",1);
PHP Code:
// ###################### Start edit #######################
if ($action=="edit") {
$usergroup=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM usergroup WHERE usergroupid=$usergroupid");
maketableheader("Edit usergroup: </b>$usergroup[title]<b>","",0);
makeinputcode("User Status<br>Use this to override the default 'ladder' of user status titles","usertitle",$usergroup[usertitle]);
makeinputcode("Stars shown<br>Use this to override the default 'ladder' of stars","starlevel",$usergroup[starlevel]);
makeinputcode("Star image shown<br>Give this group a unique star image - do not add the .gif after the image name!","starimg",$usergroup[starimg]);
Your AdminCP (Modify Usergroups) must look like the Attachement. If you want to assign other stars to your Admins/Mods just upload a different star-image (ie admin.gif or mod.gif) in your images/stars-folder.