I don't really have a problem with spamming on Facebook. But I don't think Facebook is killing forums or is in any way similar to forums. I treat Facebook as a way to keep up with friends and family. I don't 'friend' strangers and only 'like' a small number of businesses. I can see how the businesses can spam your feed but if they do that, I just unlike them. Twitter is different. I follow lots of businesses and strangers and people I admire in business or entertainment. It can get really spammy fast but it's somewhat easy to just stop following those people. I like blogs that have to do with my hobbies and stuff I'm interested in like
internet marketing blogs. I usually read them for the reviews, how-tos and news. My favorites are forums and I have always loved forums. Forums are great for asking questions, offering advice, talking about gear and products, and meeting others who are interested in what you are interested in. There are some forums I join and interact with and others I read without joining.