Originally Posted by SeanE
I've been using LDM for about two years, and like it a lot - and want to install it on my new vB installation so I can get on with other things - only thing is, with Andrew's passing, I'm wondering what the future is with this hack...
What is the consensus about where this hack is going? Do you think it will continue to be supported by someone else, or should I consider this the time to separate from it and find another way to deal with downloads, etc? 
LDM works fine ATM and there is no other downloads addon that has such extensive functionality.
LDM for vb3 is marked as reusable code and Andrew repeatedly asked for Jelsoft to take on this project, so this clears the way for a new coder(s) to take on this project. The question is if anyone will take it on. Without a new developer(s), LDM will stop functioning sooner or later. But who knows how long that will take. Andrew was a very good coder and it still works 15 months after the last release.