What you like to READ/SEE in a magazine?
Hello all, I am doing a project, and I am trying to find out what most people like to SEE and Read about in a magazine. The more people who can help me with this, the better it would be for myself.
Have you ever been bored at the doctors office, waiting for your mom while she shops, or anywhere not doing anything and you picked up a magazine? As you go from page to page, what caught your EYE? Did you read the article? What was it about? Was there anything else that caught your eye and you read?
Please tell me what is it you read, what interested you, what was interesting about it, did the picture make a diff. weather you read the article or not?
Thanks so much if you helped me. I am going to try to bump this thread 1-a-day till Friday, June 10th, 2011, after that I hope to have collected all the DATA I need.