Originally Posted by Sworm
Hi all, i want to buy a new vbulletin license for another site..... for this should be good to know what is the general think about vb3 vs vb4. Vb3 is at the EOL , but i prefer it to vb4 , but if in a small time will not longer upgraded and supported , should be a not good idea to use it on a new site?
Why vb.org don't upgrade to vb4 ? xD 
From a Developer standpoint I can say that despite the initial backlash against vB4, most active forums have upgraded to it now. The number of people using our mods from vb3 compared to vb4 is very small, and shrinking.
As well as the official bug updates etc, I would expect to see very few devs developing for vb3 much longer.