Hi Doctor Death,
most of the features are already covered by the way you can modify the templates on your own. Given that you have the according HTML/CSS knowledge or someone who does.
Where it says JOIN SERVER, if you have ventrilo and a default visitor name, it will try and overwrite the local profile.. any way for it to join and keep default user name if one exists?
Not sure what you mean by "default user name". Does ventrilo has a setting like this? I'm not sure how ventrilo handles these things, but possibly it should be enough to leave the user name parameter in the url blank, right?
I think it should have an icon that says "Voice Servers" and then list the servers under that by type with icon and status.....
You can modify the 2 templates accordingly to fit this kind of output.
I'm not sure it would be a wise idea to implement this kind of output and then nobody uses it. The template vars should be enough to let you style the output exactly how you like them to be. If something in particluar is missing, let me know!
Should probably be able to define the color of the JOIN SERVER link.
You already can!
Put this in your CSS > additional.css template:
/* TS2 */
.tsx_type_1 span.tsxview_joinlink a {
color: #ff0000;
/* TS3 */
.tsx_type_2 span.tsxview_joinlink a {
color: #00ff00;
/* Ventrilo */
.tsx_type_3 span.tsxview_joinlink a {
color: #0000ff;
Replace the color codes with the colors you like and the link should have that color!