I'm having trouble with the vbulletin censorship and this mod. When I have the censorship replacement include a bbcode:
[color=red]*[ /color]
the chatbox doesn't display the color but instead just displays
[color=red]*[ /color][color=red]*[ /color][color=red]*[ /color][color=red]*[ /color]
for a curse word. (ignore spaces it's just to display on this post)
Can you help me fix this? Whenever I copy the
[color=red]*[ /color]
and paste it into the chatbox it displays the red asterisk just fine. But it doesn't display if I type in a censored word.
Example of what I mean:
In the picture the censored word is replaced by bbcode but the bbcode does not display. However if I copy the text and paste it into the chatbox it displays the colored bbcode just fine.