Hello Lancerforhire,
Sorry stupid question but where does one fill in the info to have it listed below the dropdown boxes??
Also how hard (for a technical idiot like me) is it to have a different looking page similar to the one in your second screenshot
Lastly and most importantly, we have a unique payment system here in SA called Paygate, it worked fine on version 1.3 of your mod but now in 1.6 I am getting checksum errors that relate to encryption codes not calculating properly. I am not saying this is caused by your mod but just wondered if any major changes between 1.3 and 1.6 would cause this and do we have change something our end to get it to work. My developer seems to have the mod working on his site and he doesnot sue your mod (once again not saying your mod is causing the issue) just grasping at straws.
I really like your mod and want to keep it installed so hoping we can throw some light on possible causes here.
thanks for the great work