Originally Posted by cravendale
I have the following settings...
Enable Inactive User Reminder Emails: yes
Only Send Once?: no
Maximum Email To Send: 0
Inactivity Grace Period: 20
Number of Reminder Emails to Send Per Batch: 80
How often should we send reminder email: 20
Usergroups: registered members
Excluded User IDs: none
Email Format: HTML
Enable Admin Email Report: yes
Enable Logging: yes
Inactivity Log Duration: 30
vB: 4.0.6 PL2
2.2.0 of Inactive users (upgraded today to latest Version)
I'm finding that the same members are being emailed pretty much daily from the reports I'm seeing and also one of the members I have registered myself but also inactive which is receiving emails.
Why is this?
For starters, please check the Inactive Users Reminder Emails Cron Job and make sure it is executing the following php file:
If you have a file in the cron folder called remindermail.php or reminderemail.php, please remove it.