Thanks, but I found some inconsistencies with actual variables and those in manual.
Here, take a look:
In manual:
Exporting the following additional values which can be used in reminder email templates if desired:
$lastvisit - Formatted Date/Time Value - members last visit to the site.
$lastactivity - Formatted Date/Time Value - members last activity on the site.
$lastpost - Formatted Date/Time Value - members last post date on the site.
$lastreminder - Formatted Date/Time Value - Date member was sent last reminder email.
$days_since_lastpost - Number of days since member last posted.
$days_since_lastreminder - number of days since last reminder was sent.
And here's the code I see in php file:
PHP Code:
$lastvisit = $row['lastvisit'];
$lastactivity = $row['lastactivity'];
$lastpost = $row['lastpost'];
$dayssincelastactivity = $row['days_since_lastactivity'];
$dayssincelastvisit = $row['days_since_lastvisit'];
$dayssincelastpost = $row['days_since_lastpost'];
You don't mention $dayssincelastactivity at all, and the spelling in manual is wrong (you use _ between the words in manual). Also $lastreminder is missing in code, or is created somewhere else (didn't checked other files for it, just it's not in this php file).