Originally Posted by liltiger
Ok - now it does not notice bad words posted in private messages...
Can this be tweaked to do that?
We have issues with folks sending private messages with 'spam'.
These are not standard spam everything types, but organised real life people that like to sell other forums products from their forum. They are clever and will wait until out of quarantine and then send via private message.
I've tested and PMs are not being noticed
I can't think of any spammers who have so much time on their hands that they would make 10 legitimate posts and then send PM spam. Are you using the newbies group and is that group able to send PMs? Newbies should have virtually no permissions other than to post, and you set those perms in the usergroup manager.
Originally Posted by LisaArnold
Thanks for your help/reply, it's much appreciated. :up:
I've got my Expiry set at 120 (is that a wrong amount?), and today I purchased & added an Akistmet API and the spammers are still getting through. I don't know what else to do. *sigh*
Anymore suggestions?
120 is OK, and some spammers are still going to get through. Are your statistics showing that it is working at all?