Originally Posted by Pionex
let me explain this clearly for you,
when you download this file there will be ffolders named admincp and includes... and so on ( i have not downloaded this yet, so I dont know what is included )
inside of those folders will be files, you need to take the files from the folders and upload them into the corresponding folders on your server.
admincp folder included with this download has files within it, take those files out of that admincp folder and put them into your admincp folder on your sever. repeat this process for each corresponding folder, items not in a folder go directly into public_html
that explain it better?
Thank you for your explanation. If anyone has the same question, Pionex nailed it.
Originally Posted by liltiger
no... I originally tried to upload to my forum... and it wanted to replace admin cp and include...
then another post here said to put them in admin cp
If I could delete that post, I would. Its not a very good explanation and misleading that the files are supposed to go in admincp....Please ignore that post.
Originally Posted by LisaArnold
I have a question that I can't seaem to find an answer for...
Does the Spam-O-Matic have a unbalanced tilt towards not recognizing IP reports in favor of email reports from submissions?
I ask this because on our forum- every spammer that gets through has bad IP reports from sometimes days/months before registering with our site. They get through with a good email, but the IP comes back as previously reported. This has happened numerous times.
I find that this is the case for nearly 99% of the bans. We're using the VBulletin version of Spam-O-Matic and this problem has been on-going for at least a month if not longer.
There is no bias, if you have a check enabled, and it finds a match, registration is denied. 1's and 0's
Maybe you need to adjust your settings for StopForumSpam: Remote Expiry
If it is the default of 90 days, then if that IP spammed in the last 90 days, they should be blocked. If you have set this value too low, like 10 days for example, and the spammer didn't spam from that IP for the last 10 days, but then started spamming again on the 11th day, they would be allowed to register.
Originally Posted by Pionex
Spam-O-Matic Tagged ip - Unable to connect to StopForumSpam.com. This is probably due to some temporary problems on their website: Unable to check. User passed to vBulletin registration system per your settings at 'StopForumSpam: Query Conne
Im not connecting to their website..... whats the issue?
Ask your web hosting company. If they can't tell you, you could always host with us.
Originally Posted by Mark Hewitt
I've also just been spammed by someone who doesn't appear in the logs.
That is not abnormal, SOM is not a clairvoyant, psychic or extrasense depending on what you call it in your part of the world.
It cant predect or detect every user who might be a spammer. Some users will get past registration and spam your forum. That is when you use the moderation tools and select the Spam-O-Matic option and (assuming you have API keys for stopforumspam.com) then you delete the posts and report the user simultaneously so that they do not come back to your board, or any other board who has this plugin installed.
Here are our current stats since the last release:
10800 Spammers Denied Registration
14 Spammers Permanently Banned
35 Spammers submitted to StopForumSpam
69 Spammy Posts Automatically Moderated