Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
If you're just going to select one banner from time to time why not just hard code it in the template and just change the file name as you see fit. Just name them like banner1.gif, banner2.gif, banner3.gif, etc... and you only need to change 1 character.
Right now I DO that. I have them all like that and just change the filename in the style.
But I need a mod that SHOWS me the banners first so I can pick which one I want.
Right now I have them all in an HTML file which I look at, pick which one, look at the filename, go to AdminCP page, log in, go to styles, select the style, scroll down to banner filename, and change the # on it. I could use the method of changing the filename itself instead of the filename listed in the style, but it's basically the same amount of work, and I like my banners using a specific filename structure that tells me when they were made (YYMMDD-banner.jpg)
I need a mod that is only avail. to admins (or whatever) that I can just go to, it shows me all of the banners with a radio button or something next to each one, and I select which one to use. Done.