Originally Posted by Alan_SP
About requests, thanks, you really made excellent mod. :up: If I can suggest, making one (or even more than one) answer variable that we can use for thread (or PM) title is number one on my list.  Even ability to use only first answer as variable is enough, but if you could make filed in answers that gets "promoted" to variable would add flexibility.
And one more request. If you could make your mod appear as navtab button (with Home, Forum, Blog, What's new buttons) with all application types and positions in one place. This is to be an option on global level. Of course, each application type still could be placed in Community drop down menu and to have it's own link.
I'd like to make applications more prominent and have one central place for different applications. User than would choose what they want using descriptions of application types. And on different places I too would like to use direct link to certain applications.
I was able to incorporate placing the applications types in the navbar tabs along with the fix for the answer problem today.
All of your other requests will come. Just time is not my friend today.
A note about the navbar tab option... You have to turn on "show in navbar tab" in both the main settings and in the application type for the application type to show there.