Hey Brandon,
Thanks for your interest. Our site is
www.advizo.com. We are currently an invite only website as mentioned and that is why you cannot view the entire site. We are a growing community of forum sites and our major focus is to help users find the right community for any advice they are seeking. We analyze their question and see which of our partner sites is best equipped to handle their advice and we send it off to them, as they are the most capable community of answering our users question. This will also allow the user to discover communities that are related to their question.
If you are interested in our site feel free to fill out the invite request. If you currently have a forum site you'd like to add please add that to the invite request so we can check out your site and approve your request for an invitation. Also you are more than welcome to download and install the plugin, and once installed you will have full access to our site and we'll be able to begin referring our users to your site if it is applicable to their question. If you have any other questions feel free to let us know!