My understanding of the law regarding copyright and ownership on this is as follows.
She owns the copyright of the work she created. However, she presented them to you and those on the forum for their enjoyment. If she went to legal recourse on this, it's shaky ground.
For example, someone (I think a member of the British royalty) was demanding return of some letters they'd written to someone else in recent times (last decade or so?) on copyright grounds. The courts pointed out that the recipient of the letter was the owner as it had been sent to them, but the copyright of the text remained with the author - in short, tough shit.
If you're not profiting off the work that this person willingly put up, I don't see that she has a leg to stand on. I've had people demand I remove all their thousand-odd posts after a banning, at which point I either ignored them or said 'no'. Why should I go to the extra work of removing their stuff? Of course, on the downside I don't really want a reminder of someone like that.
I am not a lawyer. I do know that the law of the land supercedes terms and conditions where they contradict each other. However, in real terms I'm with a poster above - unless and until you get some sort of contact from a legal representative on their side (one that you can verify as being genuine legal counsel) I'd just ignore it. They're just trying to flounce off.