Originally Posted by ChromeDome
I see in the sample rules that a couple states aren't included in the raffle. Should I take it that these states do not allow free raffles? Any one place online I can find these state rules?
As stated in the sample rules, they are a sample and should not be taken as the rules that should be used on your site.
Contact a lawyer to find out what is or isn't legal for your particular site.
EDIT: From time to time, the site those rules are taken from has a free raffle for items of extreme value. When I say extreme, I mean from $200 to over $1000. That might be why the rules are the way they are there. As a matter of fact, if you read them completely they also might require a social security number in order for someone to claim a prize. I'm pretty sure that's because items over a certain dollar amount have to be reported on a 1099 tax form. But, only a lawyer can answer your question in a proper way.