Hello, my problem has just begun.
When we open a new topic in the forum page when writing messages or replies late going very slow, but this situation does not apply to the administrator or admin moderated ..
members are experiencing this problem and the only other member groups.
as an example
Log in to
user name: Dimple
pass: 4586
Type the answer will understand.
http://www.duslerforum.org/mesaj-say...r-t342931.html write a message
When I try this example as the administrator, but that is no problem
I updated but it still did not improve've made has optimized the tables phpMyAdmin
Meanwhile, he is giving database error falat previously resolved the error is as follows:
Database error in vBulletin 3.7.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT posthash.threadid
AS FROM posthash posthash
Posthash.userid = 145777 AND WHERE
a751b0c4ec8e0e376f5aa2d918c3a46 posthash.dupehash = '0 'AND
posthash.dateline> 1307022077;
MySQL Error: MySQL server has gone away
Error Number: 2006
Request Date: Thursday, June 2nd 2011 @ 04:46:17 AM
Error Date: Thursday, June 2nd 2011 @ 04:47:00 AM
I've attached the server information to the server belongs to me
please help me
no there is no problem as an administrator. When you type in and freezes, but as a
normal user does not respond, try as an example
Below is an example screen display image